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It is generally used to boost energy and health, but in 2005, Canadian researchers found that when people take ginseng every day, they decrease the severity and length of colds and often prevent it.

The Siberian genseng plant is a shrub of 1 to 3 meters tall, while the ginseng plant is herbaceous.

威士忌、白蘭地、杜松子酒、朗姆酒都是烈酒. 除了茶葉,酒,還有像人蔘,燕窩這樣的滋補品,用英文是怎麼説的呢:ginseng or swallow nest.

There was more ginseng than his father could have dreamed of, a hillside spangled with bright yellow leaves, enough roots to bulge Jesse's knapsack.

Seemingly outlandish words such as dim sum, ginseng, gingko,oolong cha, taiji, qi, yin and yang and ba-gua have crept into their everyday language.

It is the biggest exporter of ginseng and the pine mushrooms (often picked by prisoners) that are an autumn delicacy in Japan, and it has interests in seafood and metals.


A cranny plan as such kicked off the journey for American ginseng pill to rank the best seller.

With the cultivated method, the ginseng is densely planted in raised beds.

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