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There were about forty children to a class, sitting at double-desks and learning by rote.

You talk a little bit about educational policies and rote memorization and those sorts of are we doing wrong?

Overcrowded classrooms have contributed to the problem every bit as much as the traditions of rote learning and Confucian deference toward teachers.


They say, oh, this is rote learning.

Some children learn best by rote, in structured environments with high certainty and strict discipline.

One of the major challenges is an educational system that favors learning by rote memorization rather than creative application.

Or they are geared toward the mastery of a core set of knowledge – as if that isn’t likely to lead to more rote memorization and assessment for the sake of assessment.

They seem accustomed to rote learning, which translates to good grades, but does not encourage creativity.

Richard Feynman said, "I don't know what's the matter with people: they don't learn by understanding, they learn by some other way — by rote or something.

a person who learns by rote.

No one today really thinks that school, especially in the early years, should consist of nothing but dreary rote learning.

Learning by rote is discouraged in this school.

I find the emphasis on quantity over quality often leads to frustration, boredom, and resentment-there's nothing worse than the mindless, rote tedium of feeling forced to play 90 minutes a day.

Are you teaching your students rote facts for the final exam, or are you imparting lessons that they’ll actually remember and use 10 years from now?

He used to learn everything by rote.

The system of entrance exams is rigged against the poor, and the rote memory methodology rewards good memory and cheating.

How often do we simply follow rote procedures without understanding why they're in place?

Tags:造句 rote
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