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The authorities continued to waver yesterday over declaring the official results final.

Mark didn't waver. Dropping his tools he slipped into the swarm, his bare head now in the eye of a bee hurricane.

And we’ve sent a message from the Afghan border to the Arabian Peninsula to all parts of the globe: We will not relent, we will not waver, and we will defeat you. (Applause.)

But if his affiliations waver, his beliefs do not.

When I didn't like the tape, I shorted other banks against it. At no point did I waver from my conviction or abandon the position.

Gaines directs Jack to pick up a briefcase. When Jack begins to waver, Gaines briefly puts Teri on the phone. He sends Jack to the San Clarita power station.

This is not easy, so we can not waver.

We should never forget the bitter lessons of the two world wars and never waver in our efforts for world peace and security.

Nothing could make me waver in my faith.

So, each year at this time, we renew our resolve against those who perpetrated this barbaric act of terror and who continue to plot against us - for we will never waver in defense of this nation.

I can offer you nothing else, nor should you waver from fighting for it alone.

You misplace your keys, waver between work assignments and YouTube, and daydream during conversations.

You are a brilliant, fearless, amazing director who would not waver, and thank you for trusting me, " Mo'Nique said. "To Gabby, sister, I am in awe of you.


We will never waver in this position.

Her steady gaze did not waver.

Tags:waver 造句
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