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If we do not reform health care, your premiums and out-of-pocket costs will continue to skyrocket.

Article 44 Coal mining enterprises must provide accidental injury insurance for miners working underground and pay premiums.

If higher premiums discourage people from saving up for an annuity, for example, the court's judgment will end up helping no one.

Many insurers say they have not raised premiums, yet.

That could increase risk premiums and unnerve frothy financial markets around the world.

For big Banks, there is the threat that the agency will levy an emergency round of premiums.

They propose an insurance system with premiums based on each country’s debt and budget deficit. The money raised would be used for loans to euro members shut out of bond markets.

We have a special homeowner's insurance program with very competitive premiums.

This alternative would have to operate as any other insurer, on the basis of the premiums it collects.

A corporation financed by insurance premiums whose member physicians and professional staff provide curative and preventive medicine within certain financial, geographic, and professional limits to enrolled volunteer members and their families.

It may be that bursting batteries in collisions will send premiums screaming skyward.

They also pay no vehicle excise duty, have cheaper insurance premiums, are exempt from London's Congestion Charge and can be charged for free at some public car parks.

Insurers are now demanding higher premiums to meet the cost of such freak weather, linked to climate change.


If they were too lenient, their insurance premiums would rise.

Each year, America's biggest firms spend a few million dollars apiece on premiums to cover their directors and officers in case disgruntled shareholders, employees or regulators take them to court.

When fire and theft premiums rise, those who really need insurance still pay up.

So although soaring premiums are prompting many firms to drop or restrict coverage, most Americans still get their health insurance from their jobs.

It wastes gas, will wear out the vehicle sooner, and ends up costing you big bucks in speeding tickets and insurance premiums.

Tags:premiums 造句
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