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“stand up”簡單造句,stand up造句子

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I stand up and speak up.

Father, believe me, I can't stand up.

I feel like throwing up, let me stand up please!

To stand upright and hold up the head

Then sit up, plant your feet on the floor, and stand up.

In fact, men who really have the ability to stand up to other women can't stand their own women.

No matter what you do, it's best to stand up to conscience, no matter what you ask, it's best to stand up to sincerity.

Companies invite stars, and even cartoon characters to stand up for the products.

Zhang also warned that if Japan cannot face up to history, it will never stand up morally or psychologically.

if you imagine it you'll findyou're reaching for all thingsto follow you dreamsbut nothing will stand in your wayyou're not for you are closeso stand up for yourself

Not afraid of storms, not afraid of vicissitudes, to be a sincere person, to stand up to conscience, to stand up to parents, not afraid of suffering, not afraid of tiredness, not afraid of others to say three things.


Then try to lift me up, but no, I did not stand up on the straight Han Teng, he tried to carry me home.

Aamir Khan set a goal to himself day by day and the minute he made it, he fell down on the ground and could hardly stand up.

Having all those doors slammed in my face as a kid gave me the strength to stand up to this intimidating figure.

I must stand up again.

You must stand up for your rights.

Jack, stand up, please. And put up your right hand.

"Wei Er Tie and Liu Hou Ming, stand up!"

It is not a plea for thin, whipped-up emotionalism. " Let's all stand up and smile!"

It takes a great deal of courage to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends.

I stand up and exclaim to the group of kind strangers "I found it".

Commanding yourself to float up, stand up, roll over, slide downwards towards the feet are a few.

We also studied books on the topic of dealing with difficult people, which gave tips such as: stand up for yourself; stand up straight and make eye contact; and take time to know the person.

Naturally, then, when you stand up to talk to a group of people, the tonus of your muscles will rise.

The so-called growth, white is a cruel self confrontation, do what you can, try to stand in the face of every challenge and difficulties, stand up, gain experience and wisdom, you can also gain more growth.

When the cableway carried on its operation, please don't stand up or walk through the carriage, and no try to open the gate or window.

Yes. Go ahead, stand up.

Could you be strong and stand up?

His sister had the backbone to stand up to him.

If he wants to say anything, he has to stand up and call up his escorts.

The metal can stand up to a gook deal of wear and tear.

We stand up immediately, at all is reel right and left lying on the ground, I put them all up.

As for her future, Yang Hui said, "I hope to stand up and walk one day after operations."

Thirty-six pillars can't stand up. They are swallowed up by loved Manhattan. The Marble Palace is also in danger. I'm your burden.

Xu Huabei gave a start, and then answered stubbornly, "That's right. I've fallen in love with her." He saw Xu Huabei stand up, fire in his eyes.

I make him stand up.

As a youth of the times, we must stand up and see how we stand.

Up to seven or eight, because I know I have to stand up and speak.

Panda conservationists may stand up and say, "It's a flagship species."

Then you suddenly realize that your feelings are so fragile. Can stand the wind and rain, but can not stand up to the ordinary.

Many people groan, give up and backslide due to some intellectuals will stand up to pursue because of not owning something.

Can you stand up?

An empty sack can't stand up.

Can't stand up, can't stand up, can't see, can't see, can't do well, can't do well, can't do well.

"How did that little rabbit ever get up spunk enough to stand up to old lady Merriwether?"

" Imagine trying to stand up to the 'd be like doing battle with a 'd walk all over you."

Boats could carry heavy weights, but canals could not cross hilly terrain; turnpikes could cross the hills, but the roadbeds could not stand up under great weights.

Stop stooping and stand up, man.

He urged individuals to stand up and change Japan, and for Japan to stand up and play a more active role in world affairs.

In the face of all the world's doors and windows that open up their own mental storeroom and stand up to other people's views, people's lives will be able to stand tall and upright.

stand up造句

I could stand up!

Sit or stand up straight and avoid slouching.

When you wake up every day, you have two choices: wake up, go to sleep, continue to dream, wake up, stand up and realize your dream!

Sit up or stand up.

As soon as you stand up, it carries you forward like a conveyor belt.

Last night, the old man, whose life and death were uncertain, was so exhausted that he couldn't even sit up. Now when he woke up, he was able to stand up by himself.

She sat up, smiled at me and said, "Hello sweetie."Did you stand up all by yourself?

Psychiatrist Leo Kanner used to stand up for parents.

Stand up as one, stand up, step by step, determined, serve the motherland, establish virtue, shade posterity, stand up, dignified.

Dumbledore: It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends.

Do some deep breathing exercises and take the opportunity to give your body a break from your normal workload, i.e. if you stand all day sit down, or if you sit all day stand up.

You can make the accusation, but I don't think you have enough evidence to make the charge stand up.

Tags:stand 造句
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