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Our inner garden was my paradise; it was enough for me.

Go scuba diving in the clear waters around Sipadan, an island in Malaysia, and discover an underwater paradise.

The world was like a plate; paradise was up a mountain, across a sea, perhaps guarded by angels, maybe in China, or Armenia, or Abyssinia, or Mesopotamia.

But North Korea's bizarre mixture of personality cult and paranoia is a harder sell: most defend it as a victim of American imperialism; only a small minority insist that it is a workers' paradise.

Beihai sits in a tight-lipped bay on the Gulf of Tonkin, where the rich silt of estuaries is swept and trapped by turbid currents-a paradise for molluscs and those that hunt them.

This, it now sadly emerges, was a fool's paradise.

Together, the men preen, strut, shimmy, and shake their feathered costumes, mimicking the local birds of paradise.

At last some worldly-wise people came and joined our society, made us taste of the fruit of knowledge, and broke up our little paradise.

Not every pair of wings, there is a beautiful paradise. There will also be disappointment, there will be confusion, but also a person hiding in the corner, crying to silence.


Hong Kong is a shopper's paradise.

Lest we romanticize the past, it's important to note that the old recess was no paradise.

How that he was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter.

A shark attacked and killed a British tourist as his newlywed wife looked on from a beach in the Seychelles Indian island paradise where they were celebrating their honeymoon, police said Wednesday.

Here's a mental exercise: picture a tropical paradise lost in an endless expanse of cerulean ocean.

Tang Sanzang has saved Monkey King Sun Wukong who had been pressed under the Liangjieshan mountain by the western paradise Rulai Buddha (Tathagata) five hundreds years ago.

Business paradise or den of thieves?

In this paradise, the tender bud stretches out its first leaf in the moring breeze, giving out its pleasant fragrance.

Bonpland pronounced the place to be quite simply "paradise."

The bird of paradise may be found in South Africa. However, check your local florist: this plant is not only one of the most beautiful in the world, but one of the most popular as well.

It may not be paradise now (especially if it is a dusty and desolate corner of Iraq). But it jolly well was once.

To me, Trucker's Paradise was paradise.

The third, darker, thread is that paradise means purging the world of unbelievers, sin, filth and so forth.

It's hard to argue with Jobs' vision of a Utopian paradise where users and developers can breathe easy.

Tags:paradise 造句
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