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That was a great advance for the lad.

W: I am sorry, but we can't advance shipment.

I had asked everyone to raise questions in advance of the meeting.

But it's one thing to make deals to advance your goals; it's another to open the door to zombie ideas.

For instance, Hank, this year for Christmas, I'm going to tell you in advance that I got you 5 llama butts.

ABAC input on issues expected to impact the region's economic growth and development over the longer term will be used to advance work towards the realization of the FTAAP.

Article 17 An enterprise with foreign investment shall apply separately for its enterprise name registration in advance after getting the approvals of its project proposal and feasibility study report, before getting the approvals of contract and articles of association.

make a pari - passu advance

No retreat is allowed, only advance.

Some directors might resent not having been informed in advance.

He had not submitted in advance for the approval of his comrades in the Party Presidium.

He estimated that as many as 6 of every 10 students would flunk if they had to advance on merit.

The speed of Russia’s eastward advance that century across a Siberian land mass greater than the face of the moon still astounds.

There are also two facts about human users of software: First, they rarely can express what they are going to want in advance, and second, even if they could express their specific needs, more often than not they change their minds.

To soar up Bravely and advance suddenly

They will pay a hundred and thirty francs in advance.

Without vision, you will advance, but you will not find where you want to go, and your motivation will decrease.

Let us work together with wisdom and courage to build such a new order and advance the lofty cause of peace and development for mankind.

I am not thinking of mere forms of politeness, such as saying "please" and "thank you" : formal manners are most fully developed among barbarians, and diminish with every advance in culture.

We stand together to advance peace.

Regardless of the risks and security implications, the technology will advance, however.

For example, booking would be an entity for booking for a hotel room, but there are different types of bookings: advance; immediate; priority; and so on.

The term repo facility, which was available from December 1, 1999 and would be available until January 31, 2000, allows licensed banks to obtain in advance Hong Kong dollar liquidity from the HKMA for the year-end at a known price.

In itself, that is but a small advance.

Prosecutors have identified a hotel concierge who saysDSK made an unwanted advance to her the previous night.

When applying separately for the enterprise name registration in advance, the application signed by the head of the enterprise organizing group, the draft articles of association and the approvals issued by the competent authority or an examining and approving department shall be submitted.

The desire to advance of a youth is an asset of great value.

I just wish they would have implemented all the changes for the 2013 race and given people plenty of advance notice, rather than crushing those who thought they had finally reached their goal.

And even if you know in advance what the consequences will be, you still pursue her, as I did.

ABA can advance the accumulation of Ca2+.


Smoking is an advance contract.

“It’s an important advance to show that this dino fuzz really is feathers, ” Dr. Prum said.

It's how junior employees advance more rapidly than their peers; their enthusiasm and ambition tempt bosses to pile on the work until the employees cry uncle, which they never do.

In advance of his arrival, a member of his entourage visited every booth to make sure that nothing might cause offence.

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