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欄目: 造句 / 發佈於: / 人氣:1.94W

He seemed pleasant enough to me.

The tree gives a pleasant shade in summer.

If something sounds pleasant, it's called consonance - as opposed to its opposite, dissonance - but what determines which sounds are pleasant or not?

His tie was an eyesore, but he had a pleasant, open face and an attractive grin.

In the beautiful scenery, pleasant voice and tangy scent bring me happy, I won't locked the door to his senses.

While just about any language can create just about any application, the right one makes the effort not merely possible or bearable, but pleasant and invigorating.

As the pioneer batch of Nantah freshmen, our lives on the Yunnan Garden campus were not pleasant. Outsiders will find it hard to imagine the mental anguish we had to go through.

"Also they will make a spoil of your riches and a prey of your merchandise, break down your walls and destroy your pleasant houses, and throw your stones and your timbers and your debris into the water.

The morning was pleasant and new.

Her aunt was well-spoken and had a pleasant manner.

The house has a pleasant outlook over the valley.

One theory is that people simply find some music more pleasant for aesthetic or cognitive reasons.

"It (the pleasant music) enticed the phoenix and pheasants to dance", "all the animals started to dance after hearing it".

So, while a mid-morning cappuccino will give one person a pleasant buzz, it could make another person edgy and irritable.

Arrive Beijing rep pleasant.

We are living in pleasant surroundings.

My speech was clumsy and not pleasant to hear.

Predictably, the new nature-themed images include some pleasant pictures of snow leopards in their natural habitat.

I leave my boots dripping at the door and step inside, anticipating the smooth pine floor and pleasant buttery scent of oil-lamps.

Their brain reactions also mirror one another. If we believe the infant "enjoys" the sweet taste based on her pleasant expression, it follows that the rat likely enjoys it too.

The touch of his hand was pleasant to her, and something deliciously more than pleasant.

And, researchers say, pleasant environments generally evoke more reciprocal smiles and hellos than unpleasant ones.

My hosts are eager to help me answer that question in the negative by pointing out how pleasant life in the factory can be.


It's breezy and pleasant today.

It is pleasant to chat with friends, and with no chat is it more pleasant than with close friends.

At last, I wish guests and friends from the globe a pleasant stay in Nanning, with all the best.

Use yellow to evoke pleasant, cheerful feelings.

People had told me she was very pleasant but she's nothing of the kind.

I want to sleep peacefully with flowers and pleasant laughter and beautiful thoughts. The wall of one flute, bring wisps of sorrow, such as song as weeping tunes, telling the story of a timeless story.

Even if you take frequent showers topped off with pleasant-smelling cologne, you may not necessarily attract female counterparts.

Working night hours and weekend hours is not pleasant.

A pleasant peasant keeps a pleasant pheasant and both the peasant and the pheasant are having a pleasant time together.

"Your lady wife would like to have a pleasant lord," said Matcham.

We use a floorless Scott tent as our outhouse, which helps provide a shelter to make this basic function much more pleasant, especially when the wind is howling and the snow is blowing.

I cannot precisely define what they expected, but it was something pleasant; not perhaps that day or that month, but at an indefinite future period.

Tags:pleasant 造句
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