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The groom wears a formal suit or tuxedo.

Three cheers for (ie Shout `hurray' three times to show admiration for) the bride and groom!

A wedding photographer was accidentally shot dead in Italy after he asked the bride and groom to pose with guns, local media reported.

But there are a few things a bride and groom can do to encourage cash gifts without offending Great Aunt Mimi.

Bride and groom.

To dress or groom oneself with elaborate care; preen.

Oh, look! The groom just can not keep a grin off his face .

The groom, an engineer, applied for an annulment because his bride, a student nurse, had lied to him about her virginity.

In a sense every wedding is a royal wedding with the bride and the groom as king and queen of creation, making a new life together so that life can flow through them into the future.

Be especially nice to the groom.

The Queen and the bride and groom, together with their families, appear on the balcony.

In India, a new couple usually resides with the family of the groom and it is the older generation that represents Ms. Jadhav's biggest challenge.

Let's drink to the bride and groom.

A bride or groom can no longer go into a marriage with lifelong expectations of lifestyle or job security.

A former groom and then a jockey and quite illiterate, he was a protege of the notorious Christian Weber, one of Hitler's oldest party cronies and himself a horse fancier, who by fraudulence had amassed a fortune and a great racing stable after 1933.

Please charge your glasses and drink a toast to the bride and groom!


But there is no groom.

I felt like a groom walking up the aisle on his wedding day, not really convinced that he's doing the right thing.

Instead he sent the prince to work in the royal stables, where the youth became a groom.

The marriage ceremony is performed. Then the officials, including the Consul, congratulate the groom and leave. All are drinking a toast to the young couple when suddenly a voice from the distance furiously calls and curses Cio-Cio-San.

But there is no groom. Chen will marry herself.

Yet the President has conspicuously failed to groom a successor.

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