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Yet both the Israeli and American governments distanced themselves from these provocative statements.

We will continue to defend our values, not in a provocative or moralising way, but in standing firm.

North Korea yesterday said it was preparing to fire a satellite into space, heightening regional fears that a provocative long-range missile test could be imminent.

Now, that's a provocative set of claims.

Dr Zyphur's garb was, however, no provocative fashion statement.

In a provocative new paper, a team of scientists suggests that tiny molecular vibrations give us our sense of smell.

In Mexico City Thursday, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that launching the missile would be "a provocative act" - one that the US would raise in the UN Security Council.

His provocative words only fuelled the argument further.

THE title of this bright and provocative book is knowingly ambiguous; what sort of fix is it about?

Though such topics are less provocative these days, the annual X-Show, which is in its ninth year, might still be a bit edgy, even if largely subdued by the standards of such events in the West.

Sure, they're provocative. But the underlying science is psuedo; the overarching solutions are silly.

We urge the European parliament to stop the confrontational and provocative act and do more in the interest of China-EU relations.

The North said its firing was part of a military exercise, which the South called “provocative”.


He's someone that challenges me in sometimes very provocative ways.

These stories are tabloid fodder, but they also raise a provocative question. When a marriage is clearly on the skids, is it better to fold or fight for a future together?

This is an extraordinary and provocative observational fact.

The byword for dress in the western business world is conservative. This means nothing too flashy, too provocative, too casual, too tight or too revealing.

Obviously, that rather challenging and provocative notion is something that lends itself readily to the sort of no-nonsense tone that I'm talking about.

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