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At first glance, Yiannis Boutaris would seem to be an unlikely free-market reformer.

Put a steam reformer in a car along with the fuel cell and you can fill the tank with methanol instead of hydrogen.

Mr Kan has retained strong ties with Mr Ozawa. But if he is to prosper as a reformer, he will have to break Mr Ozawa's grip on the party.

But I am no reformer.

He inherited his father's position in 2000, portraying himself as a reformer but failing to deliver.

The regime surely did not fear Mousavi, who is a pretty tame sort of reformer, or even his formidable wife.

At the same time he sees the king as a genuine if unlikely reformer, doing his best to bring about social and educational change and soften the edges of unreconstructed Wahhabism.

Her father was an educator and social reformer.

"Dix:american philanthropist, reformer, and educator who was a pioneer in the movement for specialized treatment of the mentally ill."

He is seen by some as an ideal caretaker prime minister who could bring Ukraine's dire public finances into some sort of order, even if he may not turn out to be much of a reformer.

The notion of the president as a centrist reformer may look fairly unlikely.

James Purnell, the work and pensions secretary, outflanked the Tories on welfare reform even when an ardent reformer, Chris Grayling, shadowed him.

He also styles himself a hands-on reformer who has tried to fix America's campaign-finance system.


He has indeed proved a reformer.

Private television is still dominated by Mr Berlusconi. He is still Italy's richest man, still beset by conflicts of interest, still unfit, even if he were a great reformer, to rule Italy.

We cannot evaluate a reformer based on what he says or even on what he does.

Khrushchev was known in the United States for his confrontations with Kennedy and Nixon, but as Cold War Soviets went, he was a reformer and a fascinating character.

She is a convinced Atlanticist, a market reformer and a free-trader who has re-established the image of the "Good Germany" within the EU.

Tags:reformer 造句
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