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Nevertheless, a course on race which describes the whiteness of Barbie as unbearable seems incredibly unscientific.

They are incredibly sturdy, thanks to the durability of their bamboo hulls.

Like many invertebrates, squid appear limp and squishy-but once they get a grip on you, they're incredibly powerful.

"Prenatal care and prenatal nutrition are just incredibly important, even more so than we already knew," Case said in an interview.

Due to the reputation of turkeys being incredibly stupid, the term "Turkey" began being used as a slang, derogatory term meaning something akin to "idiot" around the early 20th century.

The fact is incredibly exaggerated.

These don't quiver but they sell incredibly quickly.

It’s incredibly prejudiced and wrong, trying to tell people how to live their lives.

Because programmers' performance is typically judged by their ability to code efficiently and meet incredibly tight deadlines,

As his mom, I miss him terribly, but I'm incredibly proud of him for how fearless and passionate he is in following his dream.

Unless you are incredibly cynical about what you do, you’ve got to believe that you have positive impact if you are going to be optimistic about what you do.

Scientists were checking out a quasar, an incredibly distant, incredibly bright object. This quasar was the only one without a known host galaxy.

One possibility was using your own star as an incredibly powerful lens to amplify light and radio signals.

How are you able to be incredibly productive artistically and still find time to go to bed with so many women?


Comer says it's incredibly hard work, expensive and often controversial.

He is an incredibly clever, literate musician, but he always makes it sound terribly simple.

Rhubarb is a very underrated plant –it produces some of the nicest tasting puddings and is incredibly easy to grow at home.

Everyone recognizes these incredibly complex patterns effortlessly and reliably.

This is a drink I had on a trip to 's incredibly refreshing and simple to make.

I don't have time here to discuss this section right now, but you've already had some encounter with the incredibly impressive level of ingenuity and grotesquery in this remarkable passage.

"It is incredibly important and definitely worth taking seriously," says Rick Anthes, President of the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado.

The study of linguistics can be incredibly boring or a source of great joy.

The linesman's error on my disallowed goal was incredibly crushing.

Every human desire has a natural pull tendency. Being the "first responder" to a human desire is incredibly valuable.

The only puzzle, given how incredibly wealthy we are by the standards of our ancestors, is why more people don't opt for the extra time instead of the extra money.

You don't know what she might be like — if she has any sense of humor at all. I was so pleased to find that she is incredibly normal, and has a wonderfully kind of dark, perverse sense of humor.

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