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He literally said that most Westeners believe they have to live like Ramana in a loincloth to be spiritual.

He scrambled up by the stones, water glistening on his pate and on its garland of grey hair, water rilling over his chest and paunch and spilling jets out of his black sagging loincloth.

He wears a pointy mask and an animal-skin loincloth.

That people believe they have to renounce everything to the loincloth level to be spriritual is largely an old cliché.

They're allowed no armor, only a loincloth.

I was saved by a flying wild man in a loincloth!


The warrior wears a head dress and a red loincloth.

When the animated Disney movie "Tarzan" was released here, Tarzan\'s loincloth created an uproar among religious Jews who found it provocative, Barak said.

According gto the Guardian, the story is that the naked-sport tradition began when a runner's loincloth fell off, and he appeared to go faster than the others.

He had been warmly dressed in three layers of clothing—leggings, loincloth and jacket made of the hide of deer and goat, and a cape made of grass and bast, the long, tough fibers from the bark of the linden tree.

He takes off the shackles put on by kings and ties a loincloth around their waist.

A cloth worn to cover the loins; a loincloth.

Tags:造句 loincloth
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