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7、Don't expect me to get you out of your scrapes.

11、I knew I should get into scrapes there, if she put old Bounderby's pipe out.

15、You start walking out towards it, suddenly meandering through wispy hillocks, colorful gorse and heather, and scrapes of open sand.

19、Food today is so cheap that the west is battling gluttony even as it scrapes piles of half-eaten leftovers into the bin.

23、Cuts and scrapes are objectionable because in his mind, they can lead to his contracting a disease that could kill him.

27、The driver was moved beyond words and hurriedly lifted the handicapped boy back into the wheelchair, then took out a fancy kerchief and dabbed at the scrapes and cuts.

3、Bacteria can enter the body through scrapes.

8、There is even fireworks metal scrapes over metal.

13、Having been in a few scrapes of his own, Ferdinand speaks from experience.

18、If you use car parks every day, finding minor scrapes and scratches on your car is one of those things.

24、Can't Live With it and Can't Live Without it OR How to Reduce the Annual Bonus of a Visa Exec Ouch, the cuts and scrapes from your financial "accidents" are taking their toll.

1、The bow scrapes the fiddle.

6、His violent temper always got him into scrapes.

14、Most are made by older males, although females and younger males (2.5 years old or less) occasionally make scrapes.

21、Apparently he had fallen down a set of stairs and was covered in scrapes and bruises, so I took him back to my apartment to clean him up.

28、There, with the help of his front paws, he places them in the water, their, big ends pointing up-stream. He weights them down with mud and stones, which he scrapes from the bed of the stream on the upper side of the dam he is building.

9、Britain's Sun newspaper reported the Vanguard returned with dents and scrapes visible on its hull.

17、Save your gps from some of the scuffs and scrapes it could pick up in the line of duty .

26、We all know that in 2006 the car had a lot of scratches and it got bended in one side and pretty sorry looking in terms of the scrapes and the paint job and the rust.

10、She gets into these silly scrapes because she doesn't think before she ACTS.

22、A roll automatically scrapes the dried wax off the surface of the hole table, pushing it into a bin at the end.

5、An Owl's call scrapes the stillness.

25、Their adventures would be punctured by the hilarious and cowardly antics of Shaggy and Scooby, who invariably ended up in ridiculous scrapes after splitting off from the rest of the group.

16、Peerset scrapes data from millions of sites, profiles and status messages and compiles a series of word clusters.

12、No one had any close scrapes because the car doesn't allow it.

20、"The View from Castle Rock" starts in the 18th century in the dour Scottish borders where her family scrapes a living from soil and sheep.

4、We've had bumps, scrapes and sores.


2、The children are always getting into scrapes.

Tags:scrapes 造句
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