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欄目: 造句 / 發佈於: / 人氣:1.61W

7、Continuously increasing the proportion of forest products that originate from known, known licensed, in progress and credibly certified source forests.

11、A credible inflation target of 2 or 3 per cent, maintained over a credibly long period of time, is useful.

15、THERE was a time, a decade ago, when British Airways (BA) could credibly claim to be “the world’s favourite airline”, as its posters proudly affirmed.

19、The whole point of that paper was that when you're up against the zero lower bound, it doesn't matter how much money you print - not unless you credibly promise higher inflation.

4、Then, we need a way that can measure HV equipment's insulation effectively, credibly and conveniently.

9、Every aspect all hope that it exit a rational method which can test and evaluate IDS scientifically, fairly and credibly.

14、Hillary Clinton was credibly accused of taking a bribe during her cattle futures scandal and there have been numerous allegations that money was paid to Bill Clinton.

1、I left feeling powerful, potent, and in-credibly alive.

6、Visibility pertains to availability of and access to the information needed to credibly motivate others.

13、One of the best ways for a manager to do so credibly is to make sure he's speaking the sponsor's language.


2、An effective management software ensures network to run credibly .

10、Our mission is to ensure that all forest products are originally from well managed and credibly certificated forest.

18、The results show the non-stationary degree in this paper could credibly indicate the non-stationary degree and could be used to improve the accuracy of processing methods for FTPVS.

12、And it will be able more credibly to offer its services, not as a panacea, but as a court of last resort in the wider world.

5、Ministers can equally credibly claim that the opposition should be blamed.

3、Relinquishing control allows you to credibly claim that you cannot increase wages.

8、When Qaddafi falls, no one can credibly argue that America was the driving force behind these changes.

17、And not because she's unattractive — at 18 she got as far as the Miss Minnesota pageant, and today she can still be credibly described as the thinking man's Heather Locklear.

16、Nonetheless, his testimony – with its credibly banal account of life on board the Arctic Sea – blows a hole in the official version of events.

Tags:造句 credibly
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