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7、Leia, Lando, Chewbacca, and Luke planned a mission to rescue him from Jabba's fortress on Tatooine.

11、The early drafts of The Empire Strikes Back had Han Solo and Leia Organa encounter aliens known as Whatnots.

15、Also in this version, Han doesn't get frozen in carbonite - instead, he just flies off to take care of business, leaving Luke and Leia watching the Millennium Falcondisappear.

19、Leia: You know, as much as we fought, I always hated it when you left. 萊婭:你知道,雖然我們總是吵架,但我還是討厭你不辭而別。 Han Solo: That's why I did it, so that you'd miss me. 漢·索羅:所以我才這麼做,這樣子你就會想我了。 Leia: I do miss you. 萊婭:我想你了。

4、As a prisoner of Vader, Leia underwent terrible torture aboard the Death Star.

9、But Leia held onto her adamant belief that Jacen was still alive, even though he seemed undetectable through the Force.

14、Leia was raised in a life of privilege, a stark contrast to her twin brother who grew up on the harsh desert world of Tatooine.

1、Oh! Oh, my. Uh, Princess Leia!

6、The pain and anguish of that loss echoed through the Force, crippling Leia with despair.

13、Taking up a fallen blaster he decided that to kill Leia might win him respect with whoever stepped in to take Jabba's place.


2、In a scuffle that ensued, Leia killed Lord Tion.

10、A Stoic Leia complied, putting the safety of the Alliance base over her personal concerns for her friends.

18、A short time later, when Leia needed to get to the planet Wayland, Ghent rigged a fake Imperial transponder code on the Wild Karrde that allowed it to carry her there.

12、Archon Beed Thane of Vergill was particularly opposed, and theatrically insulted Leia Organa Solo in order to provoke an honor duel from Isolder.

5、Now only TA Tang Leia and Maria, Laborde Te volunteered to send them home.

3、Well, it's Princess Leia, sir.- She's been trying to get you on the communicator.

8、The then-17 year old Winter, a childhood friend to Leia Organa, was influential in convincing Bail otherwise.

17、Shortly before the Battle of Hoth, the Imperials used rumors of Bail Organa's survival in the shielded Chambers of the Royal Palace to lure Leia Organa into a trap.

16、He and Leia became the targets of an assassination attempt funded by Sal-Solo, which pushed Han into an uneasy alliance with his old Nemesis Boba Fett.

Tags:造句 Leia
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