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The “clever” camp retort that diplomacy is not about instant gratification.

Thousands of miles away, on the frontier between Argentina and Chile, papal diplomacy is remembered in a different way.

Indeed, it is one of the most ambitious diplomacy and development efforts our country has ever undertaken.

As the author navigates the salons of French diplomacy, or the elegant dinner tables of parquet-floored Paris, she meets seduction at every turn.

After intense diplomacy, Israel's Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman convinced Moldovan and Greek authorities not to allow the ship to sail to Gaza in defiance of the Israeli naval blockade.

His profession is diplomacy.

If Henry Kissinger could practice“ Ping-Pong diplomacy,” perhaps Condoleezza Rice could try her hand at“ dumpling diplomacy”?

It is ideology, not indifference, that is keeping the Chinese away from the diplomacy.

Mr Obama's diplomacy, bolstered by his success over health-care reform, has in fact secured real gains, even if they are more modest than all the hoopla suggests.

Charles DE Gaulle is not only a great statesman, diplomat and strategist in the history of France, but also an outstanding diplomat and strategist in the word history of diplomacy.

But China's strength alone will not be sufficient, and we shall also have to rely on the support of international forces and on the changes that will take place inside Japan, or otherwise we shall not be able to win; This adds to China's tasks in international propaganda and diplomacy.

Conventional diplomacy is a small part of what they do.

Finally, Britain will step up bilateral diplomacy around Europe: Mrs Merkel and Mr Cameron get on famously, sources confide.

That will keep America on the defensive for weeks and maybe months, as intimate and damaging details of its diplomacy dribble out into the public domain.


the ping-pong diplomacy

Indeed, diplomacy is not the bluff, 74-year-old cardinal's strong point.

When that argument failed, the search firm put diplomacy aside and stopped the automatic flow of data in the other direction.

But its diplomacy also had its failures.

"This so-called quiet diplomacy is hogwash," said the Archbishop of Bulawayo. "You can't persuade Mugabe to leave."

First of all, it's critical to the formulation of policy and the giving of advice and having the perspective of diplomacy and development at the table when decisions of moment are made.

We were having an important discussion about diplomacy and the next thing I know, you’re talking about that diplomatic courier in the dingy suit over there.

Or, for instance, should our efforts in diplomacy and international propaganda be intensified?

Roosevelt promised to use diplomacy to stop Japanese immigration.

The belief was reinforced by his energetic diplomacy over North Korea in his first month in office.

The notion that North Korea does not always believe what it is doing colours even diplomacy, which may soon start up again after months of tantrums on the part of the North.

But for many of the bustling Londoners whom the young Tyndale met, questions of diplomacy, taxes and war were at least as pressing as those of theology or linguistics.

Tags:diplomacy 造句
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