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Panning and zooming, especially when paired together, create navigation difficulties for users.

It's because contacting people is getting tougher every year, so all of our survey costs are zooming up.

The aperture, zooming and focusing control speed of the camera can be adjusted, which provides facility for the precise adjustment of the camera lens.

We heard a jet plane zooming overhead.

The touch screen, the rotating screen, the zooming screen!

From OS X to iOS, people know the motions for scrolling, for zooming and a myriad of other actions.

The mechanical motions decrease the speed of zooming, increase space and weight for zoom system, may induce unwanted jitter, and require large power consumption.

Nick went zooming past in his new car.

Since you don't have to worry about panning or zooming, even long strangely formatted articles show up correctly.

By mid afternoon I am defying the most basic of health and safety guidelines, zooming around on an uninsured moped with a plastic bag full of party explosives strapped to my back.

Zooming, particularly continuous zooming, is the most difficult type of navigation for most users, so its use should be discretionary, not a requirement.

Think of this the next time you are in a big city, zooming around curves and between lanes along with thousands of others, doing top speeds.

He zooms off and reappears minutes later with three coats before zooming away again into the misty darkness.


Panning and zooming are fundamental to the interactive map.

It would take off and land vertically and fly a hundred miles in an hour, zooming him to a San Francisco meeting in half the time it takes in his Prius.

Mouse support has two main USES: coordinate tracking, and zooming.

Another segment knows very well what the pianist looks like but wants to follow the music score on screen, zooming in closely during some passages.

He was wearing a Mickey Mouse T-shirt, zooming around the room, passing out lollipops and bottles of Cokes his parents had brought for our CNN crew.

Tags:造句 zooming
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