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These guidelines win him the favor of the gods, allowing him to rule Mesopotamia once the flood waters recede.

While it has been firm so far this year, he argues it will fall noticeably later this year as residual seasonal factors recede.

In addition to livestock, wild animals such as snakes and deer have been heading for higher ground-and they may not have suitable places to return to as floodwaters recede.


His hair is beginning to recede from his forehead.

Though high prices may persist for several more years, the danger of disruption will recede.

Afghanistan may, or may not, recede in importance after 2014, when America is due to cut the number of soldiers it has in the region.

Floodwaters had begun to recede along the Indus river by late September, although high waters remained in a massive floodwater lake west of the Indus, terminating in Manchhar lake.

The water took so long to recede, the trees became covered in a cocoon of spiderwebs.

"Animals will be displaced for so long that, when the water does recede, it will take a while to get back to their original habitats," he said.

The company decided to recede from a bargain.

Now that the water is beginning to recede, the question is how do we help with the recovery?

Once the waters recede, some of the changes are obvious: uprooted trees, damaged property, wrecked roads.

If the tide of the financial crisis has indeed turned, when the waters recede they will reveal a global landscape in which Asia, though damaged, will look more solid than the west.

Since the total interest costs would fall because of low rates on the eurobonds, the pressure on their budgets would recede.

Eventually the danger began to recede.

Government will swell, freedom will recede and the great American tradition of self-reliance will wither a little.

Cool colors work best for backgrounds as they appear to recede away from us into the background.

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