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Since it is low in calories, rye bread is ideal for dieters.

Cover crop: a crop such as winter rye or clover planted between periods of regular crop production to prevent soil erosion and provide humus or nitrogen.

Swedish researchers found that rye eaters were more full 8 hours after breakfast than wheat-bread eaters, thanks to rye's high fiber content and minimal effect on blood sugar.

He poured in a generous splash of rye.

Behind the counter he cut four fat slices of rye bread and buttered them liberally.

Their Seneca Drums is one of the better new London dry-style gins, but their double-distilled bourbon and rye are where Mr. McKenzie’s Southern pedigree shows up.


Choose rye (not wheat) bread for breakfast toast.

Lunch: Wholegrain rye bread with lean meat or chicken cold cuts, mackerel in tomato sauce and misc. vegetables.

A strong, colorless alcoholic beverage made by distilling or redistilling rye or other grain spirits and adding juniper berries or aromatics such as anise, caraway seeds, or angelica root as flavoring.

What you're supposed to know: Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley and rye.

The poor man has only one rye bread to eat.

The peppery rye is from fields one can see across the lake and aged in casks that held local fortified wine.

Whereas in years with bumper crops of rye and barley, nearly 100 percent of the people born that year went on to reproduce.

"Flat, unleavened Bread, the earliest form, is still eaten in the Middle East, Asia, and Africa. The principal grains used in such Breads are wheat, Barley, millet, Buckwheat, rye, and corn."

Raised Bread, common in Europe and the U.S., is usually made of wheat or rye.

Today's intensive research into rye began when a correlation was noticed between the low incidence of cancers and high consumption of rye bread.

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