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Does he radiate irrational self-confidence and exude a certainty of excellence that this world has never seen?

Academic excellence, mathematics, algorithmic thinking, idio syncrasies and an all but indestructible set of cultural values characterize the people of the south.

What lifts the Big Bang Theory into frequent excellence is its one constant from the start: the brilliantly nuanced performance of Jim Parsons.

There is much talk of establishing "centres of excellence to better align core functions with client needs" and the need to "accelerate our development of leading-edge solutions for our clients".

The school rewarded him with a prize for excellence in his studies.

It was an honour given periodically to a student, based on excellence in schoolwork, participation and homework.

"Running Horses"By Xu Beihong, a famous Chinese painter, is a masterpiece that sets a standard of excellence and has Been preserved up to now.

President Obama recognizes that we urgently need to invest the money and energy to take those schools and best practices that are working from islands of excellence to a new national norm.

A major learning point for me in 2006 was to strive for excellence, not perfection.

He peddled his theories of excellence with the exuberance and evangelistic zeal of a 19th-century cough-syrup salesman.

This is one reason that the medical historian Roy Porter wrote that cancer is “the modern disease par excellence,” and that Mukherjee calls it “the quintessential product of modernity.

It will epitomize open source excellence in a way that makes it worth paying for.

What firms need is a culture of excellence-but that is like saying all football teams should be like Manchester United.


He was awarded a prize for excellence in his studies.

"Today, City people have stepped onto a new starting point. For City people who are great in meeting challenges, never give up and keep striving for excellence, it is still possible for us to create new resplendence."

However, the culture that babysits economic excellence is deeply ingrained and so are the mindsets of many parents.

The Department of Experimental Psychology aims for excellence in teaching and research.

Property which is only available for those who will support an established institution has a tendency to warp men's judgements as to the excellence of the institution.

His standard for everything is excellence.

A tourist trap par excellence, this drugstore in South Dakota is famous for its roadside billboards that start advertising 'free ice water' several states away but it's a surprisingly worthy stop.

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