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“publicity campaign”簡單造句,publicity campaign造句子

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7、He expected us to launch a publicity campaign without providing us with the necessary funds. How can we make bricks without straw?

11、This staff prepares publicity campaigns for the chain as a whole.

4、But another publicity campaign enjoyed great success: the National Dunking Association.

9、The BBC has launched a publicity campaign for its own digital channels, and it estimates that by 2008, between half and two-thirds of all British homes will have digital TV sets.

3、Start a publicity campaign, do something that individuals in your niche will take note of.

10、It also commissioned two research projects, launched a publicity campaign on the prevention of juvenile involvement in crime, and held a Fight Crime Reception in October 1997 to foster community interest in the fight against crime.

6、An occasional publicity campaign or two is enough without the need for big gongs to sell hard.

5、You may launch an advertising or publicity campaign, start a blog, or unveil a new or revised website.

8、Obviously, the mayor's publicity campaign has convinced many people to leave their cars at home and ride the bus to work.

publicity campaign造句

2、A publicity campaign has been launched to call attention to the problem.

1、advertising or publicity campaign( for a particular product )

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