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“take a crack at”簡單造句,take a crack at造句子

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7、In addition to Mitchell, Hillary may want to enlist Bill and Chelsea to take a crack at solving this one, definitely Jim Baker and Jimmy Carter, too.

3、I am going to take a crack at building a penny auction site for a specific niche using angular JS.

8、If all else fails (or you are an incredible wordsmith), take a crack at writing the next "Green Hills of Africa," "Homage to Catalonia," or "the Sun Also Rises."

5、As such, more lighting designers are attempting to take a crack at their own LED fixture, whether it be a small MR16 or a larger PAR lamp.

4、It also is letting more private farmers and cooperatives take a crack at putting fallow government land to better use.

6、Even if you don't do things the TDD way and take a crack at a correct implementation, you can still get false positives. Consider the following implementation.

take a crack at造句

2、I would like to take a crack at the Olympic title again before I retire.

1、take a crack at sth.

Tags:造句 crack
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