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“civilian population”簡單造句,civilian population造句子

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7、The civilian population is sacrosanct. No looting nor wanton destruction is permitted to the soldier.

11、If we do not take appropriate measures to allow the economic recession, the greatest victims will be the civilian population.

15、In today's life, the civilian population is poor, and will never catch up with the high inflation and high price of material consumption.

19、Feith, the personal representative for Sudan of EU foreign affairs chief Javier Solana, added that there were" considerable doubts as to the willingness of the government of Sudan to protect the civilian population".

3、That outbreak did not spread to the civilian population.

8、Army personnel is often forbidden to fraternize with the civilian population

13、Assessing the impact of the army on the civilian population starts from the realization that the soldiers were always unevenly distributed across the country.

18、But starting from the Yuan Dynasty, this phenomenon began to shift, in particular, the public sectors of the civilian population began to grow, and on the impact of Chinese literature.

4、For the civilian population, the world trade tower.

10、The best education is a noble capitalists the patent, the general civilian population, absolutely no chance to get by.

17、In both wars, our enemy was only sometimes a conventional army; as often, if not more so, it was an elusive guerrilla force that was frequently indistinguishable from the civilian population.

5、It therefore contributes to increased protection for friendly forces and the civilian population.

14、Then, after the Second World War, these restrictions grew more severe, eventually disarming the civilian population of England — or at least the law-abiding part of it.

civilian population造句

2、Troops were sent in, ostensibly to protect the civilian population.

16、This suggests that other types of forces short of occupying troops may be legal, not least because the same resolution authorises the use of "all necessary means" to protect the civilian population.

9、They have absolutely no right in international law to declare an economic siege on Gaza, to harm the civilian population.

6、Human society of the civilian population it will shout for joy.

12、The hotel will be the civilian population as its target market, they can provide acceptable price for their services and the corresponding Food Variety.

1、Anything to terrorise the civilian population.

20、We have seen the continued devastating effect of armed conflict on civilian populations, leading to death, destruction and displacement.

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