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“separate room”簡單造句,separate room造句子

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7、It is not uncommon for parents to put a newborn in a separate room.

11、They are in a separate room where the temperature is controlled, to preserve the old paper in them.

15、It is entirely appropriate for the program to lead a user into a separate room—a window or dialog—to handle that function.

19、Shop manager Junichi Sakai, 39, describes the 21 felines in the cafe as his "staff," adding they take a rest in a separate room on the second floor "when they are tired."

3、Young people of his age need a separate room.

8、The office be arranged as an open - plan area with small separate room for meetings .

13、Each passenger was booked a separate room, but passengers at one hotel were forced to double up after rooms ran out, Goodes said.

18、A supportive home can accommodate eight to ten elderly people, each with their own separate room, where they can both be alone and have a sense of community belonging.

4、They began to build their houses with separate rooms to entertain guests—living rooms, separate bedrooms for sleeping, separate work areas—kitchen, laundry room, and separate bathrooms.

10、The bathrooms were like regular bathrooms; two of them, each with their own separate room, including door, sink and toilet in one room.

17、I heard her footsteps as she came for me at the end of the day, and I padded along the aisle after her to a separate room, a blissfully quiet room.

5、a partitioned section or separate room within a larger enclosed area.

14、Each child was invited into a separate room to draw for 6 minutes then afterwards either given their reward or not depending on the condition.

separate room造句

2、The child sleeps in a separate room now.

16、Ourselves have also been shut into a separate room, carefully avoid reaching towards the hearts of others and scrupulously defend our own territory against intruders.

9、Because a dialog is a separate room, we must ask whether the process reported by the dialog is a function separate from that on the main window.

6、It is entirely appropriate to provide a separate room when one is needed.

12、Decorum and modesty are excellent reasons for you to want a separate room in which to change.

1、His requirement for a separate room for study isentirely appropriate.

20、There are separate rooms for senior and junior officers.

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