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7、Forced to compensate for the heavy interference in this band, wireless LANs can support only 1Mto 2M bit/sec throughput.These data speeds can limit the types of business applications wireless LANs can support.

11、A consideration of the education of socialist concept of honor and disgrace among college students virtual groups on LANs

15、雖然相關,但是虛擬LANs (VLANs)是網絡虛擬化的物理方法。

19、But there's more to come: Vendor consortiums have proposed APIs, object models, and protocols that promise to give network and application managers a seamless view of every application and device across all WANs, LANs, intranets, and Internet servers.

4、Some companies are outfitting their satellite offices with wireless LANs.

9、The Research and Enhancement of Key Exchange and Authentication Schema for Wireless LANs;

14、With portable computers and wireless LANs, users can enjoy greater productivity while away from their desks, whether they are in conference rooms, public areas or remote offices.

1、Typically these wireless LANs provide links from laptops to wired LANs via access points.

6、In fact, just as LANs use a diverse mix of technologies, so can SANs.

13、Unlike conventional performance models, the mathematical model encapsulates the differences between LANs into five mappings without ignoring any details of real systems.


2、Moving Wireless LANs into Fast Lane

10、Emerging data-intensive, video and collaborative computing applications will not tolerate the bandwidth or timing limitations of shared-media LANs.

18、In order to reinforce the control of the network information and guarantee the security of the content promulgated on networks,this paper propos-es a kind of framework of the LANs-monitoring system based on the content security.

12、The 1500-byte maximum Ethernet frame size is inefficient for large transfers over high-speed Ethernet LANs.

5、Multi-homed SCTP, combined with redundant LANs, allows for the reinforcement of local endpoint access.

3、The Experimental Research in Transparent Interconnection of LANs

8、There are two categories of networks: local area networks (LANs) and wide area networks (WANs).

17、If traffic flows are predictable enough that the network can be designed to keep 70 to 80 percent of the traffic within specific logical groups, virtual LANs (VLANs) can be used to create these logical groups.

16、When graphical thin clients became popular in the mid-1990s, their use was still largely limited to LANs because of bandwidth requirements.

Tags:造句 LANs
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