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"It's brains, stupid," Bill Clinton might exclaim today.

Yesterday afternoon Chelsea Clinton, 30, married childhood friend, financier Marc Mezvinsky, 32.

Mrs Clinton starts her presidential race facing an army of people who loathe her. Does it matter?

By visiting Asia on her maiden trip, Clinton has broken with a long tradition among new secretaries of state of first visiting Europe or the Middle East.

Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele accused Mr. Clinton of wronging black voters in his attempts to coax Mr. Meek out of the race.

Mrs Clinton might stumble and fall. The American electorate might balk at the idea of handing both the White House and Capitol Hill to a single party and go for a Republican president.


Bill Clinton has a lot of charisma.

In his casual wear, Clinton favors jeans and khakis.

After hearing this, Bill Clinton said, 'I'd kill for somewhat frosty.' "— Conan o 'brien."

Billanthropy still rules : Heeding the archbishop’s words, Bill Clinton and Bill Gates againset the do-gooding agenda.

An Arkansas state legislator once said of Bill Clinton that he would pat you on the back while he urinated down your leg.

When asked about the ongoing uproar involving U.S. President Bill Clinton, most people say the affair involves a purely private matter. But many other people regard his actions as deplorable.

Why should Mrs Clinton turn herself into a sacrificial lamb?

Yeah. After hearing this, Bill Clinton said, 'I'd kill for somewhat frosty.

In a new interview, Hillary Clinton said she originally turned down the job as secretary of state. Yup.

Furthermore he said he had been engaging in online naughtiness with six women for some three years, after his marriage to a close aide of Hillary Clinton as well as before.

A senior Clinton aide said that Mrs Clinton assured the student not to worry about it.

In Japan Mrs Clinton had to mend a fence she broke herself.

Scenes include a steamy rendezvous between Clinton's stepfather Roger Clinton and Virginia, she wearing lingerie while singing about their torrid romance.

Bill Clinton could probably undress a moose.

Bill Clinton heralded at his Second Inaugural Address that the journey of our America must go on.

The Clinton solution would require Israel to give up the bulk of its settlements in the West Bank, uproot a great many more settlers than it did in Gaza and share sovereignty over Jerusalem.

Everyone says the next month is going to be brutal for Clinton.


The shame of the NYT obit is that it ends with an anecdote about her pre-Mailer affair with Bill Clinton; an interesting detail, but an odd finish.

The veteran senator from Delaware will be one of the headline speakers Wednesday night, along with former President Bill Clinton.

And besides being al Gore's birthday, it is also the 116th anniversary of the invention of the zipper, both of which played a major role in the Clinton Administration. "— Jay leno."

Obama said voters should trust him more than Clinton to bring the war to a close since he opposed it from the beginning, while Clinton initially supported it.

Mrs Clinton has also fought more clumsily than her opponent.

Tags:造句 Clinton
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