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“loyal customer”簡單造句,loyal customer造句子

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In order to give thanks to our most loyal customers, we would like to invite you to a customer Appreciation Party.

You have a solid reputation and a good cadre of loyal customers.

In this story, we will learn many marketing terms about consumers, market share, potential consumers, loyal customers and so on.

To transform a prospect into a loyal customer, meet their emotional needs and keep your business and its revenues rolling.

Surely McDonald's most loyal customer, Guinness World Records recognized Gorske's feat three years and 2,000 Big Macs ago, and the 57-year-old says he has no desire to stop.

In developed markets, makers of elaborate handsets such as Nokia, RIM and Apple have strong brands and fiercely loyal customers.

loyal customer造句

Apple, I'm a loyal customer, how about a break on data pricing?

They are also among the most loyal customers.

Gear pumps, many of our loyal customers can prove that we are the industry leader in innovation and design.

Mr. Lee, I consider myself a very loyal customer. In fact, I often spend a lot of money here. Could you give me a discount, please?

I am the loyal customer of CotaiJet.

Can you easily tell the difference between your most loyal customers and yesterday's sign-ups?

User engagement is also important if you want to build loyal customers.

However, he says that he may be able to pull something out of the hat for his most loyal customers.

Armed with the following customer service tips, you can diffuse a situation, save the sale and possibly even create a loyal customer.

The enterprise always try to cultivate the loyal customer by any possible means, but they actually make many deceptive behaviors to the customer.

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