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To my astonishment, she could - from a standing start.

To the delight and astonishment of the audience, the numbers went up for all four people—14 percent overall.

To the astonishment of the entire world, the neutrinos clocked in 60 nanoseconds sooner than a light beam traveling the same distance would have done.


Mr. Hurst looked at her with astonishment.

I said yes. Then Gate stared at me with astonishment.

The Queen of Scots rolled her eyes at Mrs Seton to express her astonishment at the presumption of the farmer's daughter.

To their astonishment, they found that one out of every twelve Asian men in regions once part of the Mongol empire carry a form of the Y chromosome that can be traced to Mongolia a thousand years ago.

I was filled with astonishment at her strange action.

A few days later, to the astonishment of everyone the city suddenly surrendered, and with it the rest of the Moorish kingdom--except for Granada.

To our astonishment, they arrived on time.

To his astonishment he found his Master and the other disciples sitting there, absorbed in meditation.

He will never show sufficient astonishment at this lack of astonishment.

For the next two hours there were up-turned faces and gasps of astonishment, roars of laughter as water splashed about and balloons popped.

To their astonishment, they found that one out of every twelve Asian men in regions once part of the Mongol empire carry a form of the y.

They all stared with astonishment.

To my astonishment he showed up and filled my gas tank himself.

This book is based on my astonishment that nature and machines work at all.

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