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“illegal immigrant”簡單造句,illegal immigrant造句子

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The film's leading character, San Diego, illegal immigrant from Mexico, is a guy that keeps enthusiathic about football , even though he does petty and low labour with his father in LA.

Nastily, he asked the public to shop suspected illegal immigrants to the authorities.

As this story details, the investigation was instigated by Home Office civil servants after a blush-making leak about the department's failure to control illegal immigrants.

He admitted that he was an illegal immigrant.

That such a woman would want more for her daughter than someone who was a failed boxer, a doorman, and an illegal immigrant seemed to him perfectly reasonable.

More than 40 illegal immigrants have been detained in the Brest region so far this year

There, illegal immigrants also make contributions, through property and sales taxes, but on balance, they use more in public services, such as schools, health benefits, and welfare assistance.

Armed with such documents, an illegal immigrant could acquire a bank account, rent an apartment and get a job.

Teachers have told us that this time we will have an interview with resistance because many illegal immigrants are illegal residents, a copy of disturbed minds.

Scajola said the top priority of this police force will be to guard all the airports. These airports, said he, are exactly the main passages through which most of illegal immigrants enter the EU territory.

An increasing number of illegal immigrant workers from Vietnam are crossing the Chinese border, concentrating in the Pearl River Delta and moving deep beyond, the Yangcheng Evening News reported.

Greece has announced plans to build a 206 km wall along part of its border with Turkey to prevent illegal immigrants from crossing the border, local media reported.

The programme, run by the Immigration and Customs agency, asks local law officials to give them a call if they suspect someone they have arrested may be an illegal immigrant.

illegal immigrant造句

In China, illegal immigrant endanger very deep, just like an epidemic.

Presumably, the goal is to send the message that illegal immigrants need to move on down the road. But what happens when the next town, and then the next, enacts similar laws?

After vowing for months to shut down an illegal immigrant camp near Calais, the French government began dismantling it, early Tuesday.

Many of the illegal immigrants have extremely basic living conditions, often staying together in rundown trailer parks.

Is it true that our fellow West Malaysian and Sarawakan people not better than these illegal immigrants or foreigners?

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