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“in that”簡單造句,in that造句子

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Well baby, you're already in that cage.

What other words in that line?

Nobody knows me in that motorbike. I'm in disguise.

Everything in that drawing-room was in key with that mantel piece.

Do you know what was in that space before?

We inhabit the bubble that's created in that way.

Ann lives in that apartment.

The bank invested heavily in that enterprise

He feels boxed in, living in that tiny flat.

I imagined myself in that plumed helmet, that iron sword in my hand, and that cold sneer on my lips.

Kevin lost his left leg in that car crash.

We change in that respect.

Through primrose tufts, in that green bower.

You remember setting in that gutter on Howard Street and watch in that blackboard?

I would have left you in that river.

Just breathe in that ozone!

We played one game in Johannesburg in that tournament.

Parkson ramp in the opposite Eye Hospital in Kunming, in that my brother do. 3 years.

But just like that instant in that moment.

For some implicit in that was creating an environment that people want to work in.

in that造句

Who stars in that film?

In college, I was told that engineers would always be in demand so I worked hard in that major.

Always love her in whatever she does in that place.

Yet in that echo is no melody.

It is lucid thought that provokes it, but in that very act that thought repudiates itself.

Imagine yourself in that.

So Mr Obama in that respect is a gamble.

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