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I have made some programmes about child behaviour.

Syphilis screening and detection services are integrated into some HIV prevention and control programmes, mainly implemented by the China CDC's programmes for high-risk groups.

Even so, most kerbside recycling programmes are not financially self-sustaining.

The council regularly presents free cultural and entertainment programmes in community halls, playgrounds and open space areas for residents in the vicinity with programmes ranging from the traditional and folkloric to the modern and popular.

However, interspecific hybridization programmes can be slow and require a great deal of scientific expertise and skilled Labour.

He said he also favoured a "code of conduct" for food export bans so as to ensure humanitarian food aid programmes are not affected.

Many developing countries have been able to begin to learn lessons to scale-up pilot programmes and eventually to reduce the number of cases and deaths from cervical cancer.

In spite of competition from the World Cup and the economic downturn, this year's singapore Arts Festival was a hugh success - 80.2% of tickets for its core programmes were snapped up, an increase of 5 percentage points over the previous year.

Plenty of companies eschew such corporate programmes.

New programmes will appear in the fall on television.

Radio programmes can cost as little as three cents to reach a listener in Africa.

In addition, in-house training programmes are tailor-made for individual manufacturers to help the transfer of technical know-how. It also helps the Employees Retraining Board with retraining programmes for displaced workers.

The aim is to get North Korea to give up its nuclear programmes as a prelude to normalising relations on the Korean peninsula.

To describe the status of iodine deficiency disorders (IDDs) in the Sudan more than 25 years after the initiation of IDD control programmes and to explore the causes of endemic goitre in the country.

Reception of TV programmes is unsatisfactory here.

Reception (eg of TV programmes) is poor here.

We need to clarify and demystify how health systems link usefully to health intervention programmes.

It is a city that combines Hong Kong's economic model, European-style architecture and Singapore's expertise in city planning programmes.

The venerable satirical newspaper, which recently branched out into producing regular episodes for cable television of mock news and sports programmes, has now released a new iPad app.

The library collection continued to grow and now comprises a total of 3.5million books and 247 600 audio visual items, including audio-cassettes, gramophone records, audio compact discs, video compact discs,video-cassettes, CD-ROMs, Compact Disc-Interactive (CD-I) and computer programmes.

At present we do not have programmes for clinical psychology.

Subtitled versions of programmes like “Gossip Girl” circulate in China just a few hours after they are broadcast in America.

Since then, more than 120 countries have licensed the jab and 33 of them have introduced national vaccination programmes primarily targeted at adolescent girls like Aisha.


I often listen in to music programmes.

There are more partners and agencies implementing programmes in health than in any other sector.

DARTMOUTH COLLEGE's Tuck School of Business takes first place in The Economist's ninth annual ranking of full-time MBA programmes, up from second position last year.

North Koreans also surreptitiously watch Chinese programmes.

Yes, her tribe needed schools, clinics, day care, Head Start programmes, and all these she was busy for them.

Revised rules, which should spread the benefits more broadly through procurement, employment and social programmes, are at least some improvement on how things have been done in the past.

Half of this is spent on social programmes, from zinc roofs and livestock to subsidised bus travel.

The style of programmes was innovative and pioneering, we moved from rather didactic sounding programmes to an FM friendly sound to attract the radio stations.

It has 10 faculties offering undergraduate and graduate programmes.

For example, coverage of harm reduction programmes remained limited in 2009.

Most of the work of the United Nations, measured in terms of money and personnel involved, goes into the varied programmes aimed at achieving a better life for all people of the world.

The 18 visiting health teams reached into the community and residential care settings to conduct wellness programmes with the aim of enhancing health awareness among the elderly and increasing their self-care ability.

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