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“chemical factory”簡單造句,chemical factory造句子

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7、Aromatic compounds in river nearby the certain chemical factory were determined by a purge and trap method in combination with gas chromatography mass spectrometry.

11、Farther south in Yancheng, Jiangsu, 300 kilometers from Shanghai, more than 200, 000 people were cut off from clean water for three days when a chemical factory dumped carbolic acid into a river.

1、A chemical factory blew up early in the morning.

5、Engineering geological investigation and foundation design of a chemical factory in Liaoyang City

10、 This chemical factory has 3,000 workers, half of whom are young workers. They work three shifts, repair machines and carry sacks. Everyone wants to take a chance in the chemical industry.

chemical factory造句

2、Norma Jones worked as a packer in a local chemical factory.

8、A middle-aged couple, whom I know well, work in a chemical factory together. One is an electrician and the other is an instrumentalist.

14、Purposes x- ray characters and theraputic methods of vegetal digestive calculi Materials' and methods Using routine hypotonic gas-barium double contrast method with QD-- 3 Ⅱ type dry mixed barium solution produced by Dongfeng chemical factory in Qingdao,39 cases were examined.

9、The chemical factory - Yunnan Luliang Peace Technology - said the pollution problems dated back to previous owners and were now being rectified.

4、A lot of poisonous waste water comes from that chemical factory.

3、This chemical factory is located in the suburb of the city.

6、Treatment of waste water of chemical factory of daily use containing abundant sodium sulfate by Fenton oxidation

13、If he wants to regain his human body, he would need to be "transformed and re-smelted" as if in a chemical factory, the process of which probably would take a long time.

12、On our way we could see women washing clothes in the river. Litter was floating on the river. Waste water produced by a chemical factory was being discharged into the river.

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