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“sudden drop”簡單造句,sudden drop造句子

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7、The cattle, weakened and emaciated by months of poor grazing, simply couldn't stand the sudden drop in temperature.

11、For example, if you want to buy a house and there is a sudden drop in house prices, you should strike while the iron is hot and buy a house now while the prices are low.

sudden drop造句

2、A sudden drop from a relatively erect to a less erect position.

6、The crane capacity is also controlled, and of coerce stability criteria's for sudden drop of load.

12、 All planes, like a flock of startled birds, climb up and fly in the direction directed by cryogenic artists. Under them, the white fog caused by the sudden drop in temperature has disappeared, and the pale blue ice sheet is endless.

4、The snowstorm hit the western region today, resulting in a sudden drop in temperature.

10、The night sky is vast, the earth is covered with thick mist, and I still feel happy in the sudden drop of temperature.

5、The sudden drop in house prices has made me think again about selling the house.

1、a sudden drop from an upright position.

13、In the late autumn afternoon, the temperature began to warm up after a sudden drop. The bright sunshine outside the office window made people feel a little relaxed and strolled leisurely to this shady path which seemed to be always full of sunshine.

3、Writing at this time is either a sudden drop of ink or repeated scratches of paper.

9、A previous study in rats showed that yawning was triggered by rapid increases in brain heat and was followed by a sudden drop in temperature, he added.

8、At least 18 people have died in Ukraine and 10 in Poland after heavy snow fall and a sudden drop in temperatures across east Europe.

Tags:造句 sudden drop
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