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“be removed from”簡單造句,be removed from造句子

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7、If it is, the session property can be removed from the project, and the project entry can be removed from the map.

11、Permanent marker can also be removed from clothes that have already been laundered with this product.

15、When completed, the machine can be removed from maintenance mode and be made available again in the pool of resources.

19、Tattoo can be removed from hair by covering with cellophane tape and gently removing. To remove from skin, use baby oil.

23、Coagulation factors can be removed from plasma and may be used to treat people with coagulation factor deficiencies, such as hemophilia.

27、You may ask why I don't; I am a fair-skinned, 2 aboriginal person who happened to be born at a time when the governments determined it was best for me to be removed from my parents, and my culture.

31、In the condition of high temperature and high humidity, the turpentine oil will boil together with water, and it will be removed from the test wood accompanying with the water vapour.

3、Can a Google map be removed from an element?

8、"After the piston-and-connecting-rod assemblies have been removed from the engine and the pistons and rods separated, the rings should be removed from the piston.."

13、But my lovingkindness will not be removed from you. And my covenant of peace will not be shaken.

18、The clouds allow computing to be removed from metal boxes under desks and in firms' basements to remote data centres.

24、At this stage, all dependencies on the Spring framework are severed and the corresponding lines can be removed from the Web project's ivy.xml file.

29、To minimize impacts due to improper disposal of debris, all debris shall be loaded into sandbags and be removed from site at the end of each working day during the construction and dismantling period of the Project.

be removed from造句

2、(of an amount of money)be removed from(a price)

9、TableName: Identifies the partitioned table, by name, that a partition is to be removed from.

16、The state of the request now changes to "Done"; later on the request will be removed from the table.

22、The letter also repeat's the department's demand that all the documents be returned, and that those which already have been published be removed from Wikileaks' databases and destroyed.

30、The results showed that some organic compounds could be removed from micro-polluted source water by preoxidation with ferrate, which had good effect of aid to the coagulation and turbidity removal.

5、Should a decommissioned service be removed from the registry?

14、Any residues from the cleaning process itself (detergents, solvents, etc.) also have to be removed from the equipment.

25、The game is now banned in Australia from being sold, rented or advertised. The board have stated that any existing stocks of the game should be removed from shelves immediately.

1、Features that will be removed from the PHP version include.

12、Zinc can be removed from mixed metal solutions obtained from furnace dust by adding base to precipitate zinc hydroxide.

26、A man can not be removed from the woman will not be impossible to set up a stall set up to make a little hard to support their families.

6、Specify the types of messages to be removed from the mailbox and how they will be removed.

21、The induced draft fan should be regularly cleaned internally and externally. The dust should be removed from the surface of the fan for clear passage of the air.

10、These objects represent data that needs to be removed from backend data structure.

32、This would make an IPCC target of reducing global emissions by 25-40% by 2020 unrealisable, which is why India's negotiators insisted that the target be removed from a draft of the Bali Action Plan.

28、They also know that if they reveal anything they will be removed from office and will be denied access to the different underground bases when the time is up.

4、Rarely used facilities shouldn’t be removed from the program, but they should be removed from the everyday workspace.

20、Remove the retainer from the body bore. The check valve modules can now be removed from the valve by hand or with a screwdriver.

17、The hospital has formed an investigation team and the nurse in question is to be removed from her post.

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