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欄目: 造句 / 發佈於: / 人氣:1.06W

7、These are the heroines in the field of spaceflight.

11、Both heroines have distinctive nature beauty, human beauty and tragic beauty.

15、Heroes and heroines are distinguished from ordinary men and woman by uncommon courage, achievements, and self-sacrifice.

19、These are the heroines of the House of Cards, Parade's end, the Good Wife, Enlightened, Homeland security, Parks and Recreation, Game of Thrones.

23、Two lucky girls are cast as the heroines in a remake of the" Dream of the Red Chamber" TV series according to an announcement made on Saturday.

27、To make a research on the two operas' different musical theatricality as well as an analysis of the different orientation of heroines' character and treatment of the dramatic climax;


2、Most heroines are neither beautiful nor knowledgeable.

6、Obama's book celebrates 13 American heroes and heroines.

12、Among Jane Austen's heroines, Emma is always viewed as the most flawed one.

17、Her heroines are a collective symbol of the "displaced" women in western patriarchal society in the early 20th century.

22、For a moment, the sky and the earth were just standing on top of the heaven and the earth, with two accompanying heroines standing on the land.

28、His wife, Liang Hongyu by name, was a well-known woman warrior, rated as high as such ancient Chinese heroines as Hua Mulan who disguised herself as a man in order to get enlisted and Mu Guiying the female commander.

4、Who are your favorite heroines of history? Cleopatra.

10、The saintly heroines in Russian literature have exerted a great influence on Russian society.

18、If fairy tale changes, or if the heroines in the fairy tale change, what girls will we be?

25、She was made of the clay from which heroines are moulded; she would be the perfect comrade, the maiden undefiled and unafraid, of whom so many poets have dreamed.

3、Who are your favorite heroines of history?

13、Like the best American heroines, Mrs Astor had relatively modest beginnings.

21、This paper attempts to reveal the relation between "sea" and the two heroines by analyzing the image of sea in the novel Rebecca.

1、Your favourite heroines in fiction.

14、Some of the greatest operas also praise the ever-lasting love by some heroes and heroines dying for it.

26、Street vendors are doing a brisk trade in Princess Huanzhu memorabilia - including watches featuring pictures on their dials the heros and heroines and books about Zhao Wei, Lin Xinru and the heartthrob Zhou Jie.

9、A public building commemorating and dedicated to the heroes and heroines of a nation.

29、 Instantly, the people in the room were excited. They moved chairs to watch the TV. The boys who copied homework and wrote love letters also put down their work to see if they had seen the heroines in the two plates.

20、Moreover, learning history can get us acquainted with all kinds of heroes and heroines, teaching us to be brave and persevere.

16、This was a roll call of Obama's heroes and heroines, people who had resonated throughout his life.

24、The old Major, with eager garrulity and mischievous relish, told his nephew wonderful particulars regarding the lives of these heroines, and diverted the young man with a thousand scandals.

8、Who are your favorite heroines in real life?

5、These horrible heroines make Hart's books very interesting to read.

Tags:造句 heroines
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