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“relevant evidence”簡單造句,relevant evidence造句子

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7、Whoever refuses to provide information, when the state's public security organs look into relevant situations and collect relevant evidence from him, about other people who he clearly knows have conducted criminal espionage activities

relevant evidence造句

2、In the application shall be stated the reasons therefor, with relevant evidence attached.

6、All parties to such procedures shall be duly entitled to substantiate their claims and to present all relevant evidence.

3、They will know the difference between admissible and inadmissible , and relevant and irrelevant evidence.

9、The application shall specify the quantity of and the reasons for the limitation fund for maritime claims liability, as well as the names, addresses and corresponding methods of the known interested parties, and shall have relevant evidence attached.

8、it is required to consider all of the relevant evidence for and against the agency's findings, and determine whether they are within the zone of reasonableness.

1、(3) rule on offers of proof and receive relevant evidence;

5、Simple assertion, unsubstantiated by relevant evidence, cannot be considered sufficient to meet the requirements of this paragraph.

4、You must come up with interesting, supportable claims and select strong, relevant evidence to support your claims.

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