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Several mathematicians resolved to bring order our of chaos.

It is good for mathematicians to see problems with scholars' eyes.

The seemingly limitless wealth of consequence that flow from the axioms continue to challenge the minds of generations of mathematicians.

He says mathematicians examine the form of things separated from matter, but since we wish the object to be seen, we will use a more sensate wisdom.

The strengthening euro might be a good bet for financial traders, but gamblers should be wary of chancing their luck-mathematicians say the new COINS favor heads over tails.

Except mathematicians or blackjack dealers.

And they play with Numbers, so they are pure mathematicians.

A team of mathematicians were required to measure the height of a flagpole.

Some plastic surgeons cite Greek mathematicians to argue there is a universal beauty ideal based on classical notions of proportion.

Kids right out of school have the greatest potential, just like young mathematicians, but they do need how to work for a living.

Its analysts, statisticians and mathematicians have puzzled over the two pages of Numbers and letters intermittently for 10 years trying to figure out what they mean, but they haven't found the key.

No wonder it is sometimes said that Mr Gardner made mathematicians out of children and children out of mathematicians.

Spend a moment thinking about the typical traits of a professor, scientists, or mathematicians to increase problem solving ability.

From the train marshalling problem, mathematicians autline a mathematics model, called as "the digit—grouped partition of sequence", and give some results.


The trefoil is the simplest knot in mathematicians' classification.

Many subject engaged the attention of the best mathematicians ultimately faded into oblivion.

In the Jin Dynasty mathematicians used both text and image to explicate mathematical knowledge, and cartographers synthesised the principles of painting and drawing.

But mathematicians are still to have their Mendeleev moment.

The meetings, sponsored by the Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation, were interdisciplinary, attended by engineers, mathematicians, neurophysiologists, and others.

As its name suggests, the Fundamental Lemma is a technical point, but one that had stymied mathematicians for decades. Ngo's breakthrough makes other advances in the Langlands Program look possible.

And if too many of us do that, soon there won't be enough mathematicians to keep everything working.

They asked a group of scientists and mathematicians to invent it. The mathematicians and scientists decided to use the numbers ten, hundred, and thousand for their system.

We are trained as engineers, not as mathematicians.

FOR more than a century mathematicians have known about Lie groups.

My heroic deeds by their own written a book, "23 real life" immediately won the Nobel Prize in all, also known as the finest 23-century writing, mathematicians, scientists and inventors.

In this paper, the ancient Chinese mathematicians discussion on the properties of Dijia Shu being probed, it is taken as the basic studies of the late-Qing cyclotomy.

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