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Mr Kelly's research shows that blogs tend to be linked within languages and countries, with each language-group in turn containing smaller pockets of densely linked sites.

This method allows you to customize the way that linked records are selected.

It seems that when men climax, a cocktail of drugs is released in the brain, including oxytocin, which is linked to a pleasurable sense of relaxation, and prolactin, which is linked to sleep.

Many herbs have been tested in major studies and shown no benefits. Some have been linked to side effects, even without the presence of undisclosed drugs.

Additionally, periodic flooding linked to El Niño–Southern Oscillation has been associated with malaria epidemics in the dry coastal region of northern Peru (38).

This revealed that foreshocks rippled away from the source of the rupture in the 45 minutes before the quake - the first time that foreshocks have been conclusively linked to a major earthquake.

The demonstrators stood in a solid line with linked arms.

"Lactose Slightly sweet sugar (disaccharide) composed of two monosaccharides, glucose and galactose, linked together."

One we referenced earlier is the implementation of a doubly linked list in the Spl class SplDoublyLinkedList.

Devices can be hierarchical in how they are linked together, and some devices have both physical and logical representations.

Now, the troublesome form has been linked to atrophy in several regions of the brain, including the frontal lobes, though how and why it has this effect remains unknown.

White cell count linked with chemo death.

We have to consider that we're intrinsically linked.

Worry, on the other hand, activates a region in the left frontal lobe that is linked to speech production.

Mr Mugabe's intemperate expulsion of the white farmers was what sent his economy into a tailspin, for Zimbabwe's manufacturing, now decayed, was largely linked to their output.

An automatic teller system in which the teller console at each office window can be linked to the computer and the on-line central file. This system can be used to handle in real time savings accounts and mortgage loan transaction.

At the highest level is the cache_chain, which is a linked list of the slab caches.

An airline passenger might volunteer to pay $5 to $40 to offset his flight, with the price linked to distance.

She was a top fashion model before turning to pop has been linked in the past to a number of famous men, including rocker Mick Jagger and mogul Donald Trump.

Smoking has been causally linked to hypertension, stroke, diabetes, cancer, heart and respiratory diseases, among others.

Almost all cases have been linked to close contact to diseased household flocks, often during slaughtering, defeathering, butchering, and preparation of poultry for consumption.

Breathing chromium-6 has long been linked with lung cancer.

"Neoprene: Any of a class of elastomers (rubberlike synthetic organic compounds of high molecular weight) made by polymerization of the monomer 2-chloro-1,3-butadiene and vulcanized (cross-linked, like rubber), by sulfur, metallic oxides, or other agents."

Armed forces linked to him have contracts to protect the CIA and to escort ISAF fuel convoys.

To show additional information that may be linked intrinsically to an element.

A senior official said the police were investigating whether the attack in the city of Monterrey was linked to an extortion racket.

Others issued currencies linked to the price of rye.


Can one see them all as linked in this way?

Tags:linked 造句
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