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There is a retort to that, too: that incumbents can use patents as barriers to entry, which is why America’s antitrust regulators are showing interest in them.


The monopolistic excesses of the Robber Barons led to antitrust laws.

The values of populism, which originated in the traditional social and political ideology of America, later dominated the development of antitrust law.

It would assure that federal antitrust prosecutions can imprison only people who are morally culpable.

Firms that swiftly uncover and put a stop to wrongdoing might also get more lenient treatment from regulators if, say, their employees are found to have broken antitrust rules.

As a demonstration of the vigorous enforcement of U.S. antitrust laws and the effort to safeguard competition, the AT&T breakup was an unqualified success.

Liberal platforms regularly pronounce for antitrust enforcement.

In a number of areas, such as broadcasting rights, Congress has written exemptions to antitrust law to protect such collaboration.

When five television studios became entangled in a Justice Department antitrust lawsuit against CBS, the cost was immense.

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