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They insist that I stay there for supper.

This error lies behind the minute subdivision of labor upon which unions insist.

As a plugin minimalist, I always insist on doing things manually to avoid using and installing plugins.

Well, the main argument that was used against materialism was to insist that there was certain things that matter could not do.

Thought political education must insist in teaching process person of the thought, then can pursue studies the rare development beats the foundation, pursuing studies the rare future spreads the sill.

The corporation insist:” People First,keep sincerity” permanently all the time,complete service system,high-quality products and sincere sincerity to serve the new and old customer,become your credible cooperative partner, go forward hand in hand with your sincerely , create brilliance.

You insist to denigrate him sleep it?

I must insist on you give me a straightforward answer.

If you insist on love, remember to stick to it, but don't get hurt for love.

We insist that our suppliers provide safe working conditions, treat workers with dignity and respect, and use environmentally responsible manufacturing processes.

On the other hand, she offers a powerful riposte to those who insist on the opposite: that the brewing clash of civilisations is all the fault of Western misdeeds, for which no apology will suffice.

I insist on his innocence.

They insist the tax will massively dent future investment.

Some developers insist that attribute information should be metadata, namely information about the data, and not the data itself.

Hartman's absolutely right to insist that no theological concept is as important to Paradise Lost as free will on the one hand and divine providence on the other.

"The workers put in a demand for higher wages. The boss says: 'If you want higher wages, you'd better go and work somewhere else. I can easily get someone to replace you.' But the workers refuse to go and insist on their demand for higher wages ....

It may strike some as insensitive to insist that addiction is a disorder of choice.

Why do we insist that this "otherness" and this intervention in procreation are only steps towards a Brave New World?

In this case, his strategy of delay is to insist on his right to be in court for every hearing, only to cite a “legitimate impediment” (ie, government business) that stops him attending.

The bank will insist on collateral for a loan of that size.

Others go further. “Birthers” insist that he was not born in the United States and is therefore constitutionally barred from being president.

We'll insist on discussing this issue.

No, say the inflation and dollar hawks, who have been wrong again and again but insist that this time their dire warnings about runaway prices and a plunging dollar really will be vindicated.

Ugly people can't wait to find someone to do that. The handsome people still insist on principles and remain single.

Turkey's authorities insist that they are doing their best to conserve and develop the site.

Critics, however, fault the industry for being too tight-fisted - no matter how much bankers insist that demand is anemic, especially from the most creditworthy borrowers.

I insist that he is innocent.


The market, they insist, regulates itself.

Tags:insist 造句
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