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"His mustache looks like a different color," like when you have a leaf with two different colors on it.

Phelps, who's grown a mustache while training in Singapore, eventually was spotted - in a window seat on the team bus - by dozens of reporters and photographers.

They finally managed to wrestle the poor beast back up onto the cart again, the guy with the mustache working the blade back and forth like a toilet plunger ...


He is cultivating a blond mustache which will not take.

Chen, a 32-year-old former duck farmer with a wispy mustache, has been running this farm for eight years.

I was sure if I ran into him in the dark of the night I would be scared to death by his large black eyes and handlebar mustache.

A pair of scissors made to look like eyeglasses and a mustache may not be the first thing, but maybe that's because you're not as clever as Tabitha Ayers, the designer who came up with this logo.

Fifty years after his death, his shock of white hair and droopy mustache still symbolize genius.

At 50, he has a paunch, soft blue eyes, a brownish-blond mustache, and mildly thinning hair of the same color. He resembles a younger Wilford Brimley minus the glasses.

She had a mustache that Helena couldn’t bear. Hugo had to fire the wet nurse.

It's like spray-painting the Grand Canyon, or drawing a mustache on the Mona Lisa. Why would anyone do something like that and ruin it for everyone else?

Poking the bushy brownstone mustache of another with his cane, he declared, "This guy is Gallic."

I recognized him, standing at the end of the platform with the same trim mustache he's had since I was a kid. I sized him up: beige windbreaker, jeans, slicked-back hair.

The only local person to have met the grooms was the father of the two oldest girls, a slender gray-haired farmer with a straight back and a drooping mustache.

A mustache got little attention as well.

There were those at CTU who thought Jack Bauer even physically resembled Walsh - minus the arched eyebrows, bushy mustache, and thirteen extra years of hard-earned experience.

He had "a lady's waist," a victorious manner of trailing his sword and of twirling his mustache in a hook.

Tags:mustache 造句
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