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How well someone can memorize notes is not an indicator of smarts.

If luminosity were a true indicator of mass, most of the mass would be concentrated toward the center.

Indicator park getting red area regard as Fangfang win, park getting blue area regard as Yuanyuan win, the indicator is stopping not dividing the victory or defeat in the yellow area.

The proportion of patients with very poor preoperative VA is a simple indicator that can be easily measured periodically to monitor progress in ophthalmological services.

N (new): indicates that the player is new and the score is not reliable yet. The indicator is temporary and is removed once the number of games reaches 20.


semaphore type indicator

The most obvious method to estimate power usage is to use CPU load as an indicator.

We care about them because they are seen as an indicator of how well our lives are going.

He says the "rig count" in the natural gas market - an indicator of production - supports a possible price rise, but warns inventories are high and demand weak.

He proposes that for bacteria living in a dry environment, where molecules could not easily diffuse between colonies, airborne ammonia could serve as an important indicator of nitrogen sources.

Complexion was thought to be an indicator of one's character.

Litmus paper can be used as an indicator of the presence of acid in a solution.

As investments, they are living proof of irrational exuberance, a leading indicator of our loss of fiscal discipline.

Interest rate spreads for secondary market sovereign debt a key indicator of access to the capital markets rose to levels unseen since the height of the Mexican peso crisis in 1995.

The smart new vehicle had an electronic indicator board.

To get around this I use a data structure to define a named indicator variable for each array element.

Since currencies should trade at the rate that makes the price of goods the same in each country, purchasing-power is a good indicator of how expensive goods are.

Usually the activity indicator shows at least one spontaneous urgent meeting by now.

I really only need one indicator, be it a JNDI name or an annotation, to let me know if it is local or remote.

Perhaps the best indicator of Wall Street's revived exuberance is its continued pursuit of exotic financial engineering.

We'll call your indicator number when material requested is ready.

reflected signal indicator

Each value is associated with a minimum range and a status indicator.

This track is created by copying the files to this directory and appending a timestamp and success or failure indicator to them.

One button handles most functions including call answer and redial, while a smaller button on the top edge controls volume and turns the status indicator on and off.

Tags:indicator 造句
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