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A gadget differs from a bot in that it's a specialized mini-application that helps you perform a focused task.

When in reality, I wasted the entire morning reading other blogs and searching for the latest gadget that will change my life forever.

Like a gadget that doesn't quite live up to its full potential, savvy home owners are increasingly hacking their homes to fit their individual needs.

His product launches, at which he would stand alone on a black stage and conjure up an "incredible" new electronic gadget in front of an awed crowd, were the performances of a master showman.

Next you need to add this new gadget by the URL.

You can customize some attributes of the gadget, such as its size and title, from this page.

This gadget, the Motion Detector Telephone, it is not only a funny toy but it willhelp you to keep your place more safe.

Owning the latest gadget or garment is particularly attractive when others don't have it, rather as buildings are valuable because of their location: ie, how desirable they seem to others.

One awesome gadget or tool is often better than five mediocre ones.

Using the gadget you can search not only the titles and descriptions of the videos, but also their spoken content.

Sure it's information you can find by searching elsewhere, but if you're planning a getaway with other participants, just insert this gadget and your friends won't have to duplicate your efforts.

You will build the gadget definition and load this file in the next step.

More sophisticated than a pacemaker, the gadget - called an ICD or implantable cardiac defibrillator - is like a miniature, automatic version of the electric shock equipment used in emergencies.


The gadget itself is also rather nicely designed.

On Thursday night at the festival, he pulled out a new gadget the size of a cellphone, and when he pointed it at the brochure for the science festival, it had no trouble reading the text aloud.

More prosaically, some of the electricity for your latest gadget was probably made in a power plant that's decades old.

They devour Web pages about everything from the weather to the latest high tech gadget.

Kimura wants to make the measuring device as small as a mobile phone and possibly market it as a health and amusement gadget.

Our friends talk about their desires for the latest gadget.

It's little more than a fancy small-scale version of a Scientology e-meter, a gadget that picks up on noise in the environment and makes a needle on a dial wiggle.

Tags:gadget 造句