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The least understood and most critical time for cultivating succulents is the dormancy or rest period.

Seed coat color is not only a morphological indicator but also association with dormancy and quality of seed in Braasica.

Based on experiments and demonstration research results, prevention and remediation methods are put forward corresponding to the every stage during the period from dormancy to berry development.

The Seed of needle juniper is a type of the medium dormancy. It does not germinate in the year of sowing or in every low percentage without pretreatment to accelarate germination.

It affects tuberization, leaf senescence, and dormancy.

Causes of the seed dormancy of 3 species of Calligonum were analysed.

The rapid increase in the content of tuber protein at the 6th week would be a signal for dormancy release.

In growth season, starch grains accumulated in chloroplasts, but in dormancy season, the accumulated starch grains disappeared or diminished, while soluble sugar content had a larger increase.

During dormancy the plants must be kept very dry.

Best studied are the effects of differing photoperiods on the times of height growth cessation, bud formation and dormancy onset.

The article analyses five biochemistry index of big and small seed that are situated in different dormancy state in the fruit of Xanthium.

The zygote undergoes a long period of dormancy.

The transform of glucide in the course of the dormancy by low temperature was studied in the paper in paraffin section and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.


Water very little during winter dormancy.

This level of replication sufficient to infection near the T-lymphocytes, so that a period of dormancy memory t cells in virus hidden library has been expanded.

Alternating temperatures accelerated corm dormancy releasing, but there was obvious difference between the two cultivars.

The seed biology characteristics, seed dormancy mechanism, and the methods to break seed dormancy were studied in this paper.

The GA_3, ZR, IAA and ABA levels might be the key factors affecting the dormancy of the summer buds.

Its seeds have not dormancy.

The methods for breaking dormancy in hard seeds are generally classified into physical, chemical and biological treatments, which hasten germination by improving seed coat permeability, gas exchange, and water entrance and relieve mechanical constraints.

Tags:造句 dormancy
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