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In 2001, the best-selling oncology drug was the LHRH analog goserelin, with estimated sales of over $1 billion.

The trial, financed by the National cancer Institute, involved 644 patients, mostly women with breast cancer, who were undergoing chemotherapy at 23 oncology practices in the United States.

The writer is an oncology nurse practitioner.

So, oncology drugs have shown to be beneficial for both patients and industry.

, Ph.D., an assistant professor of oncology and pediatrics at the Johns Hopkins Institute for Cell Engineering and the Kimmel Cancer Center.


Timothy Ley, a profession of oncology at Washington University.

That so upset patients and tabloid editors that the British government back-tracked and created a separate fund to pay for expensive oncology drugs.

"Perhaps it is not as good as we might like in predicting who is at very high risk," said Dr. Richard L. Schilsky, a professor at the University of Chicago who is President of the oncology society.

"The vast majority of the information we get is pretty much uninterpretable," said study researcher Dr. Timothy Ley, a profession of oncology at Washington University.

The question is whether oncology drugs are really different than drugs used in other therapeutic areas.

Unlike conventional drugs, most oncology drugs cannot be tested in healthy humans.

As a result, over 400 new oncology drugs are in clinical development.

But several years ago, Stephen Grobmyer, M.D., an associate professor of surgical oncology at the University of Florida and coauthor of the 2011 study, took it upon himself to find out.

Dr. Eleanor M. Walker, director of breast radiation oncology at the Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, said that while she expected to see some benefits from acupuncture, the results were surprising.

Tags:oncology 造句
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