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“fly in the face of”簡單造句,fly in the face of造句子

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We should listen to the wisdom of the ancients and see how we fly in the face of nature.

Asian artists are still accused of being big on technique but low on emotion, but Lang Lang's abilities fly in the face of this stereotype.

Perhaps she could be what she had dreamed of being, despite her condition and her infirmity, if she only had the courage to defy convention and fly in the face of gossip.

I'm sure they will avoid attempting to fly in the face of international unity.

Yet class categories remain surprisingly resilient, which seems to fly in the face of recent economic reality.

The report card on their first term's performance, however, would seem to fly in the face of such promises, with the economy recording five consecutive years of double-digit-plus growth.

To act as you have done is to fly in the face of Providence.

His sentiments certainly fly in the face of the campaigns encouraging us to respond to the ageing of the baby boomers by rethinking our bias towards youth, both inside the workplace and outside.

I think we'd be silly to fly in the face of public opinion.

This may fly in the face of people who want a family dog but the fact is in the beginning I never allow family members to pet or play with a new dog.

But there are plenty of examples of human behaviour that seem to fly in the face of this.

Anyone who is tempted to fly in the face of discretion had better think twice.

That also seemed to fly in the face of the sort of harsh ads that Mayor Bloomberg endorsed, like those showing dying smokers croaking through tracheotomy tubes.

fly in the face of造句

Many of the UCR findings fly in the face of conventional wisdom. For example.

The finding appears to fly in the face of the last 106 years of physics.

Tags:造句 fly
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