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“confronted by”簡單造句,confronted by造句子

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It's not that she can't do things, but that she's confronted by her "otherness and difference" constantly throughout her day, McKenzie said.

A couple of hundred metres into the cave on the river, one is confronted by overhanging jagged rocks on both sides some of which look like fierce animals on the point of pouncing down on you.

We shouldn't cower when confronted by evil forces, we should rise and fight them.

In his local supermarket, he is confronted by 275 different breakfast cereals, 175 varieties of salad dressing and 360 types of shampoo, conditioner and mousse.

He was immediately confronted by the startling headlines.

Suddenly, the two were confronted by a group of local hoodlums who saw the apprentice's behaviour as an insult to their way of life.

confronted by造句

When confronted by a rattlesnake, squirrels' tails heat up, getting hotter by almost four degrees Fahrenheit.

Palin scrambled up some clauses and facts in such a way that made it sound as though she had no idea what the heck she was talking about when confronted by the words “Paul Revere.

On the campaign trail lately, Obama has been confronted by disillusionment — the woman who was “exhausted” defending him, the mother whose son campaigned for him but was now looking for work.

Last night Mr Kingdom told of the moment he feared his party was in the stalker's line of fire, and how he was confronted by a man in a sinister exchange on a deserted country lane.

The troll is a warning. They know if that if they bypass the troll, they’ll be confronted by an ogre.

With MMS in the refrigerator, you are not a helpless victim confronted by armies of invisible viral enemies.

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