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Gregor Mendel, an Austrian monk, discovered that in pea plants inheritance of individual traits followed patterns.

Then it should boil for some time, and then put ribs in there and let them boil together with pea.

She suffers from a fear known as lachanophobia, which leaves her sweating and stricken with panic attacks at the merest sight of a sprout or a pea.

For some, having a plot just a stone's throw away from their conference room may give them a reason to stay late and finish a project after watering their pea patch.


Preying mantis made using pea pods and edamame.

Bilateral flowers evolved , e.g. those of the pea family (Fabaceae) and orchids (Orchidaceae).

People who have lots of papillae have been dubbed supertasters for their ability to really perceive, say, the bitterness in arugula or the subtle sweetness of a pea.

What most is interesting about Tiger Woods - and all the pea-brained Premiership footballers with all their hard-faced glamour girls - is not that they have a bit on the side.

Real - unless they implanted a pea!

Or, how about veggie chili or a bowl of minestrone or split pea soup?

The waitress, landed with the thankless task of defending pea and ham soup to one of Britain's most outspoken vegetarians, can only shrug and look mortified.


Many English-speakers over time thought this was a plural count noun, though, and so pea is a back-formation.

When it came to IPMP (associated with “green pea” and “earthy” flavours) the level increased by 2-3% for natural cork, but fell by 7% for screw cap and 19% for synthetic cork.

Researchers found evidence in a tiny insect called the pea aphid.

Even if it isn't more than five dollars, Martin thought to himself, it will buy enough beans and pea-soup to enable me to write half a dozen like it, and possibly as good.

Estonia's kama (a mixture of ground and roasted grains, including pea flour) added to chilled buttermilk or kefir is healthier and a taste well worth acquiring.

Today you will learn how to cook a pea soup, jellied minced chicken meat, and a curd biscuit with raisins.

As its name suggests, AMD is a disease of the macula, a pea-sized patch in the centre of the retina.

What we need to cook a pea soup – pea that has soaked in water for a night, smoked ribs, home-made smoked sausage.

The peanut is not really a nut, but a pea.

Tags:pea 造句
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