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“boast about”簡單造句,boast about造句子

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It will certainly give the merged sales team's members a bigger overall audience to boast about.

One of them starts to boast about his track record. "In the last 15 RACES, I've won 8 of them!"

17-year-old Zola and her gang of ladettes boast about just how much under-age drinking they did last weekend.

As a result, the wilderness club is getting bigger and bigger, and the second generation ancestors have more talk with their fox friends and dog friends to boast about each other, both of which are perfect.

That's nothing to boast about.

Do not boast about your achievements, but let the masses evaluate them.

Being a little humble is important to show you are not pompous. Don't boast about how you are the best.

After escaping from danger, all the boatmen laughed. It was good to boast about the mechanical boat. Even the bandits could not take him.

Mr Zoellick will have to convince donors that the bank's best work is often its least showy, filling in the gaps left by other aid-givers keen to boast about their own generosity.

They may boast about their abundant natural resources, their skilled workforce and their world-class infrastructure.

These men are grumblers and faultfinders; they follow their own evil desires; they boast about themselves and flatter others for their own advantage.

Indeed, whereas during the bubble entrepreneurs used to boast about the size of their IPO, now the braver ones brag about how much money they have turned down from a bidder.

To her aesthetic vision, we can boast about.

But Labour's front bench cannot agree whether to apologise for giddy levels of spending before the credit crunch, or to boast about them, sapping the party's credibility.

Think of what he used to boast about, a person can kill hundreds of yellow price masters in a minute, Lin Xuan really has a feeling of self-restraint.

They like to boast about how smart they are, beating a big outfit like Golden State Power.

boast about造句

It 's nothing to boast about .

During the "cultural revolution" there was the Fengqing incident; I quarreled about it with the Gang of Four. Since it was only a 10,000-ton ship, it was nothing to boast about.

But it's obscene to boast about a splashy wedding at a time when hundreds of thousands of people will be losing their jobs thanks to Tory cuts.

Hopefully, if we go on to really dominate, as it seems will happen, I'd like to think we would never boast about our 'history' or our money if another team took our place at the top.

What are you talking about? If people are divorced from ethics, what else can we boast about?

Do you get annoyed when people boast about their gifted kids?

Tags:造句 boast
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